Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A GREAT Site for Kids!

I was searching the internet today trying to find the answer keys to Scott Foresman Grammar and Writing Handbooks. Guess what, they're not out there! So, I mozzied on over to Pearson to see if could find them there. I did indeed find them. I also happened upon a cool little site! It's called Poptropica. It's like this little world for the kids to go through and earn credits that they can use in the "store". Of course, if you don't want to do their games (which happen to be pretty fun, I tried one of them to check for myself), you can always just buy the credits yourself. As I said, the games are fun, but could get irritating for an impatient child. I even found myself getting a little irritated at it. This also has a chat for the kids, if they own the "multiverse" card (which can be purchased in the store), or if one of their friends invites them to the chat with a code.

I hope your kiddo's find this enjoyable!

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