Thursday, June 25, 2009

First Fish!!

Last year my husband discovered the sport of fishing. I was glad, at first, that he had finally found something that he really enjoyed doing. Then came the endless days of doing nothing BUT fishing. It grew pretty tiresome for the kids and I ! So, now we only go out with him on occasion. Usually when we do actually go, my brother and his family go along too. This gives the children and I someone to visit with while we "fish". Just so happens, that on one of these outings, our girls caught their first fish! On the left is my niece Amber, my brother (Amber's dad), and my baby girl Bre. You'd never guess that Bre is actually older. Only by a few days' but still! ;-) Can you tell that's a proud papa there! Of course, if it were not for my brother, Bre never would of caught a fish. I had her convinced that her bobber was a fish hook...LOL I was scared to death she was going to hook herself of someone else, so he took over for me. Thank God for big brothers!!!!

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